[Eeglablist] Problems with ANTeepimport1.13

Chesney Craig C.Craig at mmu.ac.uk
Tue May 2 07:13:21 PDT 2017


I'm having difficulty using the ANTeepimport function.

When I try to import a .cnt file, it will only let me import a file within a limited time interval (under 600s in this case), otherwise I get an error message 'Error getting samples. (Error occurred in function pop_loadeep_v4() at line 115)'.

Then when the smaller file is loaded, it says the channel locations are known but only the channel labels are automatically filed, the coordinates are not.

I used the readasalocs function in the following line of code to try to remedy this:
EEG.chanlocs = readasalocs('standard_waveguard64.elc');

However, I received the error message 'Error using mat2cell (line 45): Not enough input arguments. Error in readasalocs (line 80): inditem = vertcat(inditem, mat2cell('comment'));

Does anyone have any advice on importing ANT files and their channel locations?

Chesney Craig

Research Associate
Valentine 1-3
Department of Exercise and Sport Science
Manchester Metropolitan University Cheshire
Crewe Green Road
Tel: 0161 247 5538

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