[Eeglablist] eegplot and TMPREJ

Max Cantor Max.Cantor at colorado.edu
Thu May 4 09:21:21 PDT 2017


I'm trying to do manual artifact rejection of continuous data using
eegplot, and to later apply those rejections to another EEG object which is
the same data except with different filtering. However, I'm having trouble
accessing the TMPREJ object which eegplot uses. In debug, I can access it
from Base in the Function Call Stack, but I don't seem to be able to
otherwise access it, and my current application doesn't seem to be working.
Here is what I'm trying to do:

command = '[EEG LASTCOM] = eeg_eegrej(EEG,eegplot2event(TMPREJ));'
eegplot(EEG.data(1:64,:), 'srate', EEG.srate,  'events', EEG.event,
'command', command);
unfilt_EEG = eeg_eegrej(unfilt_EEG, eegplot2event(TMPREJ));

My understanding is that the command variable should be applying the
rejection of TMPREJ on EEG in eeglab, however I get the following error
after pressing the reject button in eegplot:

Undefined function or variable 'EEG'.

Error while evaluating DestroyedObject Callback

And likewise since I haven't been able to figure out how to access TMPREJ,
I can't get the subsequent line to work either.

If anyone has a solution or alternative method, I would be very


Max Cantor
Graduate Student
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab
University of Colorado Boulder
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