[Eeglablist] Issue with pop_selectcomps

Max Cantor Max.Cantor at colorado.edu
Fri May 5 11:41:21 PDT 2017


I'm having an issue with pop_selectcomps, which I am trying to use for
manual eye (specifically blink and saccade) correction. This is especially
important because this is an EEG and eye tracking coregistration study,
meaning there are significant saccade artifacts.

As best as I can tell the issue is that this line in topoplot.m:

pltchans = find(Rd <= plotrad)

Is finding zero cases of Rd <= plotrad, and so it fails to plot anything.
However, when I call to topoplot directly in other cases to look at ERP
time-window averages it works fine, so I don't believe it's an issue with
my channel locations per se, nor my data per se, although possibly
something to do with my component-space. In particular, I do artifact-based
channel interpolation prior to ICA, and use PCA to reduce the rank in ICA
in accordance with the number of channels interpolated, but maybe I'm doing
something wrong?

There are also two EOG, four eyetracker, and two stimulus related channels
which I do not want to include in ICA, which is why I do all the manual
specifying of channels 1:64

Below is a portion of my code, relating to ICA:

EEG = pop_runica(EEG, 'chanind', 1:64, 'pca', 64-length(badchans));
tmp = EEG;
tmp.data = EEG.data(1:64,:);
tmp.nbchan = 64;
tmp.chanlocs = tmp.chanlocs(1:64);
tmp = pop_selectcomps(tmp, [1:(64-length(badchan))]);

Any help would be appreciated.



Max Cantor
Graduate Student
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab
University of Colorado Boulder
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