[Eeglablist] interpolating channels by scripts

José Luis joseluisulloafulgeri at gmail.com
Fri May 12 08:51:46 PDT 2017


I'm currently doing the preprocessing of an EEG dataset,
Before ICA I removed some bad channels, and after rejecting the bad
components I'm trying to get back these channels interpolating with

However, I'm having problems for doing this. First, I have to load another
dataset to indicate which channel I want to interpolate because when I open
the dataset to interpolate the list of channels has updated and if I want
to interpolate the channel 57, it removes and interpolates the current 57
(which was before 58),

So I need to open another dataset, and indicate that I want to interpolate
the channel 57 from that original dataset with the full 66 channels,

Second, while trying to do this, opening two datasets, I was confronted
with the problem that when running a script the dataset is covertly open
and the MATLAB workspace doesn't perceive it and if I ask for:

EEG = pop_interp(EEG, ALLEEG(1).chanlocs(recoverChan), 'spherical'); where
recoverChan = 57 (commands lines I get when testing it manually),

the system rightly warning me "Index exceeds matrix dimensions" because
indeed the variable ALLEEG is empty,

Somebody knows a trick to solve this?

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