[Eeglablist] Computing ITPC from ITC

Morett, Laura laura.morett at yale.edu
Sat May 27 22:54:27 PDT 2017

Dear colleagues,
At present, I have code that computes ITC, which I understand is inter-trial coherence (see below). I would like to compute ITPC, which I understand is inter-trial phase coherence and differs from ITC.  If I understand correctly, ITPC can be computed from ITC.  Can anyone explain how ITPC can be computed based on ITC?

Best wishes,
Laura Morett

[itc, powbase, times, freqs, itcboot, tfdata] = pop_newtimef(EEG_TIMING_SIMUL, 1, chti, [200 800], 0, 'baseline', 0, 'freqs', 11.7, 'alpha', .05, 'plotersp', 'off');

Laura M. Morett
Hilibrand Postdoctoral Fellow
Yale Child Study Center
230 S. Frontage Rd.
New Haven, CT 06520

As of August 16, 2017:
Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology
Educational Neuroscience Initiative
University of Alabama
Box 870231
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0231

Email: laura.morett at yale.edu<mailto:laura.morett at yale.edu>
Phone: (203) 737-4586
Web: http://lauramorett.strikingly.com/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lauramorett.strikingly.com_&d=CwMF-g&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=7RydtjFxlOLitiTKeuyufwjZVnuS2cr0LD3ZBHQd6QA&m=hcKHc9qk081CzOBRcCJRuXs-41-8mLMuX9gmiw_QG_g&s=UQlF7t1IaNyCaJW5l4lvUXFZvEYnMtD2_GIYvnLLIaE&e=>
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