[Eeglablist] question regarding event marker's labels

Deepa Gupta deepag1 at umbc.edu
Tue Jun 13 14:04:55 PDT 2017

Thank you Tarik for your response. Actually, as per my colleague's
suggestion, deleting the last event resolved it. Below is the code for the

EEG = pop_editeventvals(EEG,'delete',length(EEG.event));
eeglab redraw;

We are not sure though as to why this would resolve it. However, we think
it could be, as you also mentioned, the limitation of how much the eeg plot
window can easily show of the event labels as we do have a large data files.

And just to answer you, yes the labels showed up with the eeglab tutorial
sample data. The labels in our data comprised of just 6 digits.

Thank you,

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 3:07 PM, Tarik S Bel-Bahar <tarikbelbahar at gmail.com>

> Hello Deepa, some quick notes below. Best wishes.
> If all the info is in the EEG data structure, then you should be okay.
> This is likely just a limitation of how much the eeg plot window can
> easily show of the event labels.
> You may also want to reformat slightly the specific labels you are
> using, and see if eegplot shows the labels then.
> Are you having the same problem when you open/show the eeglab tutorial
> data? First check that, and also see the differences between your
> event information and the way that the event information is formatted
> in the tutorial data. Try to minimize or eliminate any differences in
> formatting in your labels (relative to eeglab tutorial data labels).
> You may also benefit from googling eeglablist + events or event
> formatting, as this question comes up sometimes, including in recent
> months.
> In short, I believe that eeg event labels have to have clear text
> formatting, not be too long, etc.... So perhaps, you may be able to
> change all your labels to meet eeglab's requirements better.
> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Deepa Gupta <deepag1 at umbc.edu> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > When I plot my EEG scroll-able data, I am unable to see event labels but
> I
> > see event markers. For example, if we see the figure in this link below,
> I
> > am able to see the marker vertical lines but not the labels such as
> 'square'
> > , 'rt' etc.
> > https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/Chapter_01:_Loading_Data_in_EEGLA
> B#Scrolling_through_the_data
> > I've already tried going to settings>Events on option. Also, I checked
> > EEG.event as well as EEG.urevent and I see that all of the event
> information
> > is there. However, the labels still don't show up. Could someone please
> > suggest me how to resolve this and why this might be happening?
> >
> > Many thanks in advance
> > Sincerely,
> > Deepa Gupta
> > Research Assistant
> > CSEE at UMBC
> >
> >
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