[Eeglablist] Curry software for current density localisation

Bethel Osuagwu bethel.osuagwu at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 04:38:54 PDT 2017

Hi Tarik,
That is great! I am definitely interested in collaborating on such public
tools. Let me first get used the packages, it should be great!

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Tarik S Bel-Bahar <tarikbelbahar at gmail.com>

> Both are pretty easy to use.
> Brainstorm has excellent documentation and good basic stats.
> Just take the time to properly review and practice the documentation.
> You'll find it somewhat less cryptic than the loreta documentation.
> Headmodel is also nice and easy to use, and native with eeglab, though I
> think stats isn't fully built in with that. However Dr.Ojeda the developer
> is very responsive, and if you end up using headmodel perhaps we could
> collaborate to build out some public tools for it. Let's talk on an email
> thread outside of the list someday!
> Have brilliant EEG adventures...

*Bethel A. C. Osuagwu*
Clinical Research Fellow

*Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research*
National Spinal Injuries Centre
Mandeville Road
HP21 8AL
Tel: 01296 31 5963 (Applied NeuroLab)
*lifeafterparalysis.com <http://lifeafterparalysis.com/>*

*justgiving.com/smsr <http://justgiving.com/smsr>*
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