[Eeglablist] ICLabel EEGLAB plugin available for download

Luca Pion-Tonachini lpionton at ucsd.edu
Wed Apr 4 12:01:33 PDT 2018

Dear EEGLABlist readers,

The ICLabel EEGLAB plugin (beta) is now available! This has been a long 
time coming and I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the 
project at labeling.ucsd.edu (formerly reaching.ucsd.edu). You can 
download it through the EEGLAB plugin manager. I also suggest 
downloading my other plugin, viewprops, as it will allow you to 
visualize the results of the classifier in addition to providing an 
improved version of pop_prop, producing images similar to those on the 
ICLabel website. Please feel free to email me with any suggestions, 
comments or concerns relating to these plugins or the project in general.

A word of warning: though I am happy with the performance of the 
classifier as seen by manual inspection, rigorous quantitative testing 
is still underway and should be completed soon. Until those numbers are 
available, I am officially denoting this a beta version.

Luca Pion-Tonachini

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