[Eeglablist] run AMICA

Gian Marco Duma gmduma90 at gmail.com
Mon May 7 11:46:41 PDT 2018

Hi everybody,
I'm actually trying to run AMICA but I'm having some problems in doing it.
I dowloaded AMICA 1.5 and I putted it into plug-in folder of EEGLAB. When I
open EEGLAB I correctly find AMICA in the tools. I loaded a .set file and I
tryed to run AMICA without changing the default parameters, but I had some
errors in Matlab:

No datfile field found in EEG structure. Will write temp file.
Writing data file: C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\eeglab14_1_0b\tmpdata81472.fdt
Sottodirectory o file
C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\SPCN_2017\Dati.set\SPCN_ICA_pruned\amicaout\ già
No gm present, setting num_models to 1
No W present, exiting
Reference to non-existent field 'W'.

Error in runamica15 (line 873)
    weights = mods.W(:,:,1);

Error in pop_runamica (line 242)
    [W,S,mods] = runamica15(EEG.data(:,:),arglist{:});

Have you any suggestions about how to solve these errors?
Gian Marco
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