[Eeglablist] pop_saveset saves file as single precision rather than double

Tyler Grummett tyler.grummett at flinders.edu.au
Sun Jun 3 20:17:57 PDT 2018

Hey eeglabers,

I just have a quick question: Why does pop_saveset save files as single precision instead of double precision, as requested in eeg_options. The code that is likely responsible for this is:

if ~strcmpi(class(EEG.data), 'memmapdata') && ~strcmpi(class(EEG.data), 'mmo') && ~strcmpi(class(EEG.data), 'single')
        tmpdata       = single(reshape(EEG.data, EEG.nbchan,  EEG.pnts*EEG.trials));
        tmpdata = EEG.data;

Is this to save space? Is there a possibility of an edit which reads from the options file to determine which precision it should save the data out in?




Tyler Grummett ( BBSc, BSc(Hons I))
PhD Candidate
Brain Signals Laboratory
Multimodal Recording Facility
Flinders University Tonsley Building
Rm 4.17
Ext 19573
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