[Eeglablist] Why average reference for ICA?

Andreas Pedroni andreas.pedroni at uzh.ch
Thu Jul 26 02:17:35 PDT 2018

Dear Makoto, dear EEGLAB list

I came across several sources where it is suggested to use average referenced data to perform ICA (including your very helpful discussion about preprocessing https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/Makoto%27s_preprocessing_pipeline <https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/Makoto's_preprocessing_pipeline>). Is there a particular reason for this? Is there anything wrong in doing ICA on EEG referenced to a single channel?

In addition, I have the goal to apply ICA on (1 Hz filtered) data with the purpose to get rid of artifacts (using MARA), but apply the clean ICs on unfiltered data to keep lower frequencies than 1 Hz. Based on your comments, my idea was to compute the ICA on 1 Hz filtered (and average referenced) data and apply the selection of ICs to the same unfiltered (and average referenced) data. Is that the way to go, or are there other suggestions? 

Thanks and all the best


Andreas Pedroni
Psychologisches Institut
Methoden der Plastizitätsforschung
Andreasstrasse 15, AND 4.58
CH-8050 Zürich
andreas.pedroni at uzh.ch

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