[Eeglablist] surrogate statistics in SIFT

Tyler Grummett tyler.grummett at flinders.edu.au
Mon Aug 20 19:01:41 PDT 2018


I've been slowly making my way through the SIFT toolbox, and I am currently at the stage where I am trying to perform surrogate statistics (or any statistics between two conditions, 20 subjects in each). All steps previous were performed on each subject individually. When I run the surrogate statistics, it tells me that it can't be performed on more than two datasets. I then had a quick look at the SIFT manual, and it does appear as though only two datasets are examined, one for each condition. I'm wondering how multiple subjects is handled in this instance, is it designed for only one subject? or am I meant to merge the datasets from the multiple subjects?

Thanking you in advance as always,



Tyler Grummett ( BBSc, BSc(Hons I))
PhD Candidate
Brain Signals Laboratory
Multimodal Recording Facility
Flinders University Tonsley Building
Rm 4.17
Ext 19573
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