[Eeglablist] How to perform source analysis ?

Garima Arora garimarora02 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 13:26:56 PDT 2018

Dear All,

I am new to the EEGLAB toolbox and I need your advice to know which plugins
or methods I should use to perform source analysis other than dipolefit (as
we have resting state data as well) and how can I extract the time courses
from the sources?
Your suggestions and advices will be a big help.

So far,
I have tried the channel-level connectivity but facing some issues with
source level analysis such as :-

1.In the preprocessing options while using SIFT when I choose the
SignalType to be sources, I get this error -
*EEGLAB error in function pre_prepData() at line 349 : Reference to
non-existent field 'srcpot'*
What am I doing wrong here and if this is the correct plug-in to perform
source analysis? Please explain.

2. I have tried NFT plug-in in which I get a lot of errors as soon as I
open the gui -

*Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.Error in
inputgui>outstruct (line 257)    else                  currentobj =
allobj{index};Error in inputgui (line 198)    instruct = outstruct(allobj);
% Getting default values in the GUI.Error in pop_writelocs (line 148)   res
= inputgui(geometry, listui, 'pophelp(''writelocs'');', ...Error in
pop_chanedit (line 696)                com = pop_writelocs(chans); Error
using inputgui (line 207)Error while evaluating UIControl Callback*

So, which data formats by sensor locations are accepted by NFT plugin? How
can I remove these errors?
Best Regards,
Garima Arora
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