[Eeglablist] OPen software for ONLINE filtering EEG-fMRI

Agustín Solano asolano at bioingenieria.edu.ar
Fri Sep 7 07:02:55 PDT 2018

Thanks Makoto, David and Joaquin for the information. I see that it is a
complex problem.
In our particular case we would need to filter the signal to monitor EEG
activity during sleep experiment inside the MRI, so the real time
processing must be good enough to stage sleep signal.
After the experiments we would process the signal offline using the whole
signals and standard methods for GA and BCG artifcats. The only
implementation that I know is the RecView software from Brain Products that
allows to get a clean signal for monitoring but then you should process
your data offline for better performance.

Thanks everybody for the help!

El jue., 6 sept. 2018 a las 15:18, Makoto Miyakoshi (<mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>)

> Dear Agustin,
> David is absolutely right. Gradient artifact needs to be subtracted from
> the channel signal to recover underlying EEG signal. The gradient artifact
> template is usually built by using multiple repetitions of the artifact
> itself. The waveform of the gradient artifact is determined by spatial
> location of the electrode and cables inside the scanner, so virtually there
> is no way to predict it beforehand. The simplest method to build such a
> template is to calculate event-related potential of the gradient artifact.
> This works only when the artifact is perfectly stationary, which is usually
> impossible due to subject's movement. There are various signal processing
> approaches, but there is no perfect solution for this.
> Even if you are lucky enough to subtract gradient artifact well, you still
> need to do pretty much the same for ballistocardiogram which has lower
> amplitude than the gradient artifact but probably more tricky.
> If you have a good calibration period from which you can build a nice
> template for both GA and BCG, AND an ideal subject who does not move at all
> (total <1mm across xyz throughout the scanning), online solution would
> work. After all, the difficulty here is subject's body movement inside the
> scanner. If your subject is an animal with its skull fixed to the base,
> such an online processing would work.
> Makoto
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 2:21 PM Agustín Solano <
> asolano at bioingenieria.edu.ar> wrote:
>> Hi everybody. Does anyone know any open software for ONLINE removing
>> gradient artifact in EEG during EEG-fMRI acquisition?
>> I think it like an alternative for the RecView software of Brain Products
>> MR amplifiers.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> *Bioing. Agustín Solano*
>> Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica (IFIBIO) - Bernardo Houssay
>> Laboratorio de Fisiología de la Acción, Facultad de Medicina (UBA)
>> Paraguay 2155, Capital Federal
>> Buenos Aires, C1121ABG
>> Argentina
>> Tel: 54 11 5 950 9500 (2132)
>> http://www.physiologyofactionlab.info
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> --
> Makoto Miyakoshi
> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego

*Bioing. Agustín Solano*
Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica (IFIBIO) - Bernardo Houssay
Laboratorio de Fisiología de la Acción, Facultad de Medicina (UBA)
Paraguay 2155, Capital Federal
Buenos Aires, C1121ABG
Tel: 54 11 5 950 9500 (2132)
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