[Eeglablist] Fwd: a matlab question!

Maryam Aghamollaie m.aghamollaie at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 05:11:39 PDT 2018

Dear everyone,


I am trying to epoch a file using pop_epoch function but it gives me the
following error:

Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in pop_epoch (line 193)
EEG.event = EEG.event(Itmp);  % sort by ascending time

Any idea where the problem might be?!

There are many trigger codes like 11, 112, 21, 31, 41, 131,113, 111,
114....and I am trying to epoch based on trigger 11. Could it be that *11*
code is also present at *114* somehow?!!! also at 113, 111, 112,....?
I don't get the error!

I would really appreciate if you could help.

Thank you in advance.

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