[Eeglablist] While re-referencing data to average reference, why include/ exclude EOG channels?

Akshay Kumar akshayksharma94 at live.com
Tue Oct 23 00:15:31 PDT 2018


This question has been discussed previously as well at:


however, no concrete conclusion has been made.

This is my EEG processing pipeline:

  1.  Do downsampling, bad channel rejection and interpolation
  2.  Re-reference data to average
  3.  Create -1000 to 2000 ms epochs and remove baseline
  4.  Reject outliers based on the absolute amplitude and variance
  5.  Use ICA to remove eye and muscle artifacts

No research paper, explicitly mention that in their pipeline if they included EOG channels while average referencing or not.
In my opinion, if I include EOG channels while average referencing,
eye movement, saccades artifacts along with other EOG electrode movement artifacts will be introduced in all channels including the occipital channel. ICA may or may not be able to remove them.
If I exclude EOG channels while average referencing, EEG and EOG channels will be left with different referencing that itself is bad for ICA.

Please advise if and why include/ exclude EOG channels while average referencing.

Akshay Kumar

[Eeglablist] Should Average Reference Include Eye Channels?<https://sccn.ucsd.edu/pipermail/eeglablist/2012/004650.html>
Thank you very much Joe. I've copied and pasted critical sentences from your message to organize my response. "I definitely wouldn't drop the EOG channels until after you've dealt with the EOG artifacts in whatever manner."

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