[Eeglablist] Problem with eegfiltnew

Chesney Craig C.Craig at mmu.ac.uk
Mon Feb 11 03:16:26 PST 2019

Dear all,

I am having an issue with the eegfiltnew function, which consistently returns an error. I thought I had resolved the error by reinstalling EEGLAB, however, it appears this was only a temporary fix, as one week later using the same version of EEGLAB and MATLAB, the error has returned.

We implement a high and low pass filter using the following code, which uses parameters from Makoto's batch code:

filtorder = 1650;
hp_filter = 1.0;
lp_filter = 45.0;

EEG = pop_eegfiltnew (EEG, hp_filter, [], filtorder, 0, [], 0);
EEG = pop_eegfiltnew (EEG, [], lp_filter, filtorder, 0, [], 0);

It works fine for the other members of my team but in my EEGLAB, I get the following error:

               Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.

               Error in pop_eegfiltnew (line 275)
               If g.minphase || g.usefftfilt

I have tried it on multiple PCs using both Matlab R2016b and Matlab R2018, with the latest version of EEGLAB. Has anyone else experienced these errors and managed to overcome them?

Thanks in advance.


Dr Chesney Craig PhD
Research Associate
Department of Exercise and Sport Science
Manchester Metropolitan University

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