[Eeglablist] Using two different caps together

Emmanuelle Renauld emmanuelle.renauld.1 at ulaval.ca
Tue Feb 19 05:40:08 PST 2019


Thank you for this useful line, I will keep it. However, it doesn't completely solve my problem if I want to use pop_erpcomp:

pop_erpcomp(ALLEEG,  1, [1 2], 'chans', chInd) 

It still supposes that FP1 would be the same index in both datasets. Actually, even without using the 'chans' option, I still can't use pop_erpcom(ALLEEG): it stops telling me that the two datasets don't have the same number of channels. That's why I think that I will have to completly change the order of the channels. Would this be enough (supposing that I don't have any icaact computed)? Is there another field I need to change?

EEG1_newOrder = EEG1;

my_order = {EEG2.chanlocs.labels};
for c =1:length(my_order)
        chInd1 = find(strcmp(my_order{c},{EEG1.chanlocs.labels}));        
        EEG1_newOrder.data(c,:) = EEG1.data(chInd1,:);
        EEG1_newOrder.chanlocs(c) = EEG1.chanlocs(chInd1);

De : Downey, Ryan J <RDowney at bme.ufl.edu>
Envoyé : 18 février 2019 15:48
À : eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Cc : Emmanuelle Renauld
Objet : RE: Using two different caps together

You can try something like:

chLabel = 'FP1';
chInd = find(strcmp(chLabel,{EEG.chanlocs.labels}));

Then use "chInd" wherever you would otherwise type 'chans',1.


Ryan J. Downey
Postdoctoral Associate
Human Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Florida

-----Original Message-----
From: eeglablist <eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu> On Behalf Of Emmanuelle Renauld
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 12:20 PM
To: eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Subject: [Eeglablist] Using two different caps together

Hi everyone,

I would like to know the easiest way to deal with multiple EEG datasets with different chanlocs when plotting my final ERP. For instance, using pop_comperp, if I want to plot only one channel, I can't use  the option 'chans', 1 because 1 doesn't refer to the same channel in every dataset. It would be nice if I could say 'chans', 'FP1' but I can't.

I could manually inverse the order of all my channels in all my datasets so that they would be the same. I don't think it exists, does it? Something like pop_rearrange_chanorders(EEG, new_order). The two caps contain nearly all the same channels, except for Iz that I would have to forget in one of the caps.

Or is there another way to use pop_comperp? Can you help?



P.S I know that comparing two datasets recorded with two different caps is not the best way but our cap was broken and we had to continue with another one... :(

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