[Eeglablist] Postdoc position on visual attention and brain computer interfaces - ENS Paris

Sid Kouider sid.kouider at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 04:45:37 PDT 2019

Two postdoctoral positions are available at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS Paris, France).


We are seeking a highly motivated person with a strong background in vision neuroscience and EEG. 


The project aims at using real-time decoding of EEG signals to uncover the neural mechanisms of attention during perceptual decision task. 


Candidates should have at least a PhD degree in the domain of cognitive science, neuroscience, physicist or engineering, and a solid training in vision science and quantitative analysis of neurophysiological data. 


Good command of programming tools including Matlab and/or Python scripting are required. Knowledge and experience with machine learning is also desirable but not prerequisites.


The project will be coordinated by Pr. Sid Kouider (for more information on lab and research visit: http://www.lscp.net/persons/sidk/).


The Department of Cognitive Science at the Ecole Normale Supérieure offers a rich research environment composed of a multidisciplinary set of research units on cognitive psychology, cognitive neurosciences, computational neurosciences and philosophy. Our lab is located in central Paris, within the historical Quartier Latin.


The appointment is for 18 months (renewable).


The starting date is set to August 1st 2019 but can be flexibly extended.


Consideration of applicants will commence June 1st, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled.


Please send a CV to Pr Sid Kouider (sid.kouider at ens dot fr).



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