[Eeglablist] Workshop on collecting and analyzing EEG activity during walking organized by Stefan Debener's lab, 18.-19- November, Delmenhorst, Germany

nadine.jacobsen1 at uni-oldenburg.de nadine.jacobsen1 at uni-oldenburg.de
Fri Aug 2 00:17:05 PDT 2019

Dear all,

we would like to invite you to our first ever interdisciplinary workshop on
gait research, this November in Delmenhorst, Germany! Organized by Stefan
Debener's lab, the workshop will focus on collecting and analyzing EEG data
during walking, with experts in EEG gait research such as Daniel Ferris.
Overview lectures from various disciplines (e.g. computer science,
neurology, sports sciences, geriatrics) will be given and followed by a
poster session on the first day. Joint meals at the HWK will provide plenty
of opportunity for further discussion and socializing. The second day
consists of parallel, small group hands-on sessions and offers the
opportunity to learn from experts. In addition, different hardware systems
for EEG and motion acquisition will be demonstrated. 

For more information please visit  <https://uol.de/en/neuropsychology/>
https://uol.de/en/neuropsychology/ . Details and specific times for the
second day hands-on sessions will be updated soon. We are looking forward to
seeing some of you there!

If you would like to attend please apply by email to Ms Thurid Werner:
twerner at h-w-k.de <mailto:twerner at h-w-k.de>  and indicate whether you want to
present a poster. Participation fees are EUR 50.- for academics and EUR
500.- for companies. Fees include lunch and dinner.


Best regards,

Joanna Scanlon and Nadine Jacobsen
Neuropsychology Lab
University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany


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