[Eeglablist] postdoc @UCLA (EEG-fMRI)

Agatha Lenartowicz alenarto at g.ucla.edu
Mon Aug 26 09:40:20 PDT 2019

Post-doctoral opening (2-3 years), as part of ongoing project on concurrent EEG-fMRI of alpha oscillations, at Jane & Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Behavior at University of California Los Angeles. The position requires strong neuroimaging background (MRI and/or EEG), knowledge of UNIX, Matlab (and/or Python). Excellent communication skills, initiative, problem solving, and attention to detail are imperative. The position offers a vibrant working environment, as well as ample opportunity to participate in collaborative and independent research. For inquiries please contact Dr. Agatha Lenartowicz (alenarto at g dot ucla dot edu).


The Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior (https://www.semel.ucla.edu/) is an interdisciplinary research and education institute devoted to the understanding of complex human behavior, including the genetic, biological, behavioral and sociocultural underpinnings of normal behavior, and the causes and consequences of neuropsychiatric disorders. It includes the Translational Research Center for Neuropsychiatry, purpose-built for phenotypic and application of quantitative methodologies (diagnostic assessment, EEG, sleep, medical procedures) as well as the Staglin Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, which houses a 3T Prisma Fit scanner, as well as 128 and 256 channel high density MR-compatible EEG systems (https://www.semel.ucla.edu/staglin/core/mri-scanning-and-analysis). The Hoffman2 is UCLA’s high performance computing cluster, and includes 1200+ 64-bit computing nodes and >13,340 computing cores, with an aggregate of >50TB memory.

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