[Eeglablist] Open-Rank Positions at the Department of Psychology, Bilkent University

Burcu Ayşen Ürgen burcu.urgen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 22 12:54:44 PDT 2019

Open-Rank Positions at the Department of Psychology, Bilkent University

Bilkent University invites tenure-track faculty applications (rank open) in
the Department of Psychology. The university’s strategic plan includes an
expansion of the psychology department (psy.bilkent.edu.tr
<http://www.psy.bilkent.edu.tr/>). Accordingly, we seek applications from
promising or established scholars in all areas of psychology (social
psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, experimental
psychology, and neuroscience). Those with interdisciplinary approaches to
studying psychology are particularly encouraged to apply.

Bilkent was recently ranked #28 in the world by the Times Higher Education
among universities under 50 years old (bilkent.edu.tr
<http://w3.bilkent.edu.tr/www/>). The language of instruction is English.
The Department and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Neuroscience (
neuro.bilkent.edu.tr <http://web2.bilkent.edu.tr/neuroscience/>) offer
Master’s and PhD programs. For 5 consecutive years, each newly admitted
Psychology major has scored in the top 5% or higher on the national
university entrance exam. The Department has newly renovated research
laboratories, as well as access to the university’s state-of-the-art
facilities, which include a 3 Tesla MR scanner, animal research center, and
EEG equipment.

Bilkent is located in Ankara, Turkey’s metropolitan capital with daily
direct flights to Istanbul and other major European cities. Bilkent
University also provides faculty members and their families with free
housing and access to private health insurance.

Qualifications and Responsibilities: Applicants should have a PhD in
psychology or a related discipline, and should have an excellent
publication record (requirements vary with rank). A demonstrated ability or
the potential to secure external research funding will be a strong
advantage. Faculty members are expected to maintain productive research
programs. Successful applicants will teach 2 courses per semester (with no
teaching requirement during summers, and a possibility of reduced teaching
in the first year of appointment), and supervise PhD, Master’s, and senior
thesis students.

Appointment: The full-time appointments will begin in September 2020
(negotiable). Salary will be internationally competitive and commensurate
with qualifications and experience.

Application Procedure

Applicants should submit

1) a cover letter

2) CV

3) research statement

4) teaching statement

5) pdf copies of 3 representative publications; and

6) contact information for 3-5 professional references

Review of applications will commence on Oct 31, 2019 and continue until the
positions are filled. To apply please go to the following link:
https://stars.bilkent.edu.tr/staffapp/PSYC2019. For more information
regarding the Psychology Department and Bilkent University, please visit
the following websites:

psy.bilkent.edu.tr <http://www.psy.bilkent.edu.tr/>

neuro.bilkent.edu.tr <http://web2.bilkent.edu.tr/neuroscience/>


bilkent.edu.tr <http://w3.bilkent.edu.tr/www/>

Burcu Ayşen Ürgen, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology & Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program
Aysel Sabuncu Brain Research Center
National Magnetic Resonance Research Center
Bilkent University
06800, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey

Email: burcu.urgen at bilkent.edu.tr
Website: http://burcu.urgen.bilkent.edu.tr
Lab: http://www.ccn.bilkent.edu.tr
Tel: +90 312 290 30 91 or +90 312 290 1807

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