[Eeglablist] Reg_p value extraction

Saraswati Yadav saraswati.y at cbcs.ac.in
Sat Oct 19 03:30:47 PDT 2019

Dear All,
I am having error in extracting the p value from specdata after creating a
STUDY and plotting the topoplot. I have 3 groups in my study with resting
EEG data of 5 mins recorded in 128 channel EGI system.
Writing the following is not helping me for extracting p values from 5
STUDY = pop_statparams(STUDY, 'condstats', 'on','groupstats','on');
[STUDY specdata specfreqs pgroup pcond pinter] =
std_specplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'channels',{'E1', 'E2' ,'E3' ,'E4' ,'E5'});

This gives us five p values in pcond for 5 channels I think. But no values
in pgroup and pinter. What I am interested in is extracting the p values
for Group and channel interaction using 2 way ANOVA design Where IV1 to be
Channels (5 levels) and IV2 as Groups (i.e 3 levels)

Thanking in advance.

Dr.Saraswati Yadav
Post Doctoral Fellow
Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences
University of Allahabad

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