[Eeglablist] DIPFIT tutorial not tracking: Channel locations, coarse fit, plot components differ from provided data set

Curtis Bingham cnbingham at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 18:50:50 PST 2020

Brand new to EEGLAB and DIPFIT, going through all the tutorials. I’m finding that the DIPFIT tutorial images aren’t matching what I’m seeing, and I don’t know enough about the system to effectively diagnose. Can someone help me quickly sanity check the tutorial to ensure there isn’t something wrong with my system?

Using Matlab R2019b, EEGLAB2019_1, dipfit v3.3, and the data set downloaded as per the instructions in the wiki at https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/A08:_DIPFIT

The first error is in setting up DIPFIT model and preferences, solution 1. 
Setting the head model: the available models are different. The tutorial says to select the Boundary Element Model. 
Tutorial image: https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/File:Pop_dipfit_settings.gif
Actual dialog image: https://imgur.com/c6HsmSE
In the dialog image there are a number more models now available. According to the tutorial I chose Template Boundary Element Model (MNI) and checked the no coreg checkbox. 

However, the channel locations don't match up in the Edit Channel Information Info window. 

The tutorial image is here: https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/File:Dipfit_pop_chanedit.jpg
But the actual dialog image is here: https://imgur.com/FstfF3g
By default the channel displayed in the actual is OZ, not FPz like in the tuturial. Scrolling through the locations to reach FPz, the coordinates are very different than the tutorial image. 

Continuing with the tutorial, the initial fitting-scanning on a coarse-grained grid shows differences in the Batch dipole fit dialog box:

Tutorial image: https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/File:Pop_dipfit_batch.gif
Actual dialog image: https://imgur.com/4GZQ6K9
The coarse grid uses double the number of steps from 11 to 24, and 6 to 12 in Z. Is this expected? Will it have any impact on the resultant grid plot?

The biggest and most disturbing problem shows up in plotting the dipoles.

Tutorial image: https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/File:Dipplot_gridsearch.gif
Actual dialog image: https://imgur.com/iSq19Hj
I get 48 dipoles in my plot, at very different locations than the tutorial image shows.

Can anyone tell me what is going on? Is the tutorial out of date? Can you reproduce the exact image with the tutorial instructions?


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