[Eeglablist] I would like to train a data set with event information attached using EEGLAB using BCILAB ...

s1611341 at coins.tsukuba.ac.jp s1611341 at coins.tsukuba.ac.jp
Thu Feb 6 01:53:40 PST 2020

Dear list

I'm using this mailing list for the first time, so I'm sorry if I did something wrong.

Also, I am not good at English, so it may be difficult to read sentences.
I want to use BCILAB to learn the measured EEG.
I measured EEG using OpenBCI.
In openbci, brain wave data is output as .txt.
Then, I sent the data to EEGLAB via MATLAB.
So I attached the event information and saved it as a .set.

Here are the questions.

I tried to learn the model using the data of the .set according to the instruction on the BCILAB page.
(https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/BCILAB (https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/BCILAB) Learning a Model)
However, I got an error.

Error using fieldnames
Invalid input argument of type 'double'. Input must be a structure or a Java or COM

Error in set_infer_chanlocs (line 58)
 if isempty(fieldnames(locs)) && ~isempty(data.data)

Error in io_loadset (line 422)
 res = set_infer_chanlocs(res,allopts.montage_disambiguation); end

Error in hlp_wrapresults (line 52)
 [a{1:len}] = f(varargin{:});

Error in exp_eval (line 131)
 varargout = hlp_wrapresults(x.head,x.parts{:});

Error in exp_beginfun (line 428)
 parts{i} = exp_eval(parts{i},inf); %#ok<AGROW>

Error in set_targetmarkers (line 87)
if ~exp_beginfun('editing') return; end %#ok<SEPEX>

Error in hlp_wrapresults (line 52)
 [a{1:len}] = f(varargin{:});

Error in exp_eval (line 131)
 varargout = hlp_wrapresults(x.head,x.parts{:});

Error in hlp_scope>@(f,a,frame__f1)feval(f,a{:})

Error in hlp_scope (line 53)
 [varargout{1:nargout}] = func(f,varargin);

Error in exp_eval_optimized (line 52)
 [varargout{1:nargout}] =

Error in utl_check_bundle (line 42)
 str{s} = exp_eval_optimized(str{s});

Error in bci_train (line 784)
 opts.data{k} = utl_check_bundle(opts.data{k}); end
I don't know what to do because i'm ignorant...

How can I train without this error?

I would be glad if you could answer this question.

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