[Eeglablist] Reset of study structure

Delorme, Arnaud adelorme at ucsd.edu
Wed Feb 12 09:37:12 PST 2020

Dear Rene,

Several options here.

1. To remove cluster information
Use menu item “Study > Edit” and check the box “Delete cluster information”

2. To update the STUDY structure if the files have been modified, best is to reload it from disk because as the STUDY is being loaded EEGLAB will check the consistency of the field between the dataset and the STUDY and correct problems (overwriting STUDY information with information contained in the datasets). Not every field and information is checked though. Also, some warning will be displayed if there are inconsistencies and correction is not automatic (in case the change was intentional).

3. Look at the history and copy and paste the line with “std_editset(…)” this is the line that create the study. Copying and pasting this line will recreate the study.

4. You can call from the command line 

STUDY = std_maketrialinfo(STUDY, ALLEEG);

This will update the STUDY if you have changed events in the dataset (this is not part of 2 because sometimes people modify STUDY.datasetinfo by hand and this would overwrite their manual modifications). A warning is shown when reading a STUDY when there is an inconsistency though and the line above will resolve the inconsistency (overwriting STUDY information with dataset information).

5. Similar to above, erase key fields and check consistency

STUDY.design = [];
STUDY.cluster = [];
STUDY.changrp = [];
STUDY = std_maketrialinfo(STUDY, ALLEEG);
STUDY = std_checkset(STUDY, ALLEEG);

Best wishes,


> On Feb 12, 2020, at 9:07 AM, René F. <freichelr at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are currently getting various errors during the pre-clustering of our data. Is there a way to “reset” the study structure, to force it to re-read in the data and update the datasetinfo as well as the cluster fields? 
> Any help appreciated - thank you!
> René
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