[Eeglablist] Two postdoctoral positions Essex Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Engineering Laboratory

Poli, Riccardo rpoli at essex.ac.uk
Tue Feb 18 11:07:25 PST 2020


The Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Engineering laboratory of the University of Essex is happy to announce two<https://vacancies.essex.ac.uk/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run/ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID=361208LaOh&WVID=9918109NEm&LANG=USA> postdoctoral positions<https://vacancies.essex.ac.uk/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run/ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID=361208LaOh&WVID=9918109NEm&LANG=USA> in the $5M project "Adaptive joint cognitive systems for complex and strategic decision making: building trust in human-machine teams through brain-computer-interface augmentation, social interaction and mutual learning".

The project is supported by the Bilateral Academic Research Initiative (BARI) programme which is jointly funded by the US Department of Defense and the UK Ministry of Defence. The project is in partnership with the University of Oxford, the University of Southern California, the University of California Berkeley, Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

The Essex part of the project covers the following areas:

  *   Neural and behavioural correlates of metacognition, trust, conformity, errors and low-confidence judgements; Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI); decoding mental states associated with decision-making processes; signal processing and extraction of information from EEG and other physiological signals.
  *   Behavioural, physiological and neural markers of effective group cooperation; effects of different levels and forms of social interaction on group performance; team and teamwork performance indicators; integrating team-member decisions; optimally communicating group decisions and states.
  *   Reinforcement and interpretable machine learning; predictive uncertainty; surrogate ground truth.

Duties will include: designing and implementing software for the execution of experiments with audio-visual and textual stimulation; researching and developing robust algorithms for signal processing, statistical inference and extraction of information from EEG and other physiological signals; and producing high-quality journal and conference papers and presentations.

Please, feel free to contact me for any questions. I am the PI of the project.

Many thanks


Prof Riccardo Poli                          E-mail: rpoli at essex.ac.uk<mailto:rpoli at essex.ac.uk>
School of Computer Science and
Electronic Engineering
University of Essex                         Telephone: (01206) 872338
Wivenhoe Park                               Facsimile: (01206) 872788
Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK           http://csee.essex.ac.uk/staff/rpoli/

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