[Eeglablist] ERSP data export

Fran Copelli fcopelli at ryerson.ca
Wed Mar 4 10:34:00 PST 2020

Dear list,

A past colleague of mine developed a script for exporting cluster data. For
a given cluster, it exports power collapsed across a given time and
frequency range for each component in said cluster, for each condition.
You end up with a .csv like this:
*Component, Condition 1, Condition 2, Condition 3*
*1, power value, power value, power value,*
*2, power value, power value, power value*

*However,* this script was developed for older versions of EEGLab and
MATLAB, and appears to no longer be working correctly. Despite an ERSP that
appears to have desynchronization, the exported power values are never
negative, and are usually outrageously high (i.e., 40).

Is there a function in EEGLab to export data in this way? Or, can someone
recommend a script/process that they use for this same analysis? For
context, I am doing a mu suppression analysis.

I can provide my colleague's script if required.

Thank you!


SMART Lab, Psychology Department

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