[Eeglablist] cz/cpz reference

Kavanaugh, Brian brian_kavanaugh at brown.edu
Tue Mar 10 10:30:26 PDT 2020

Hi everyone,

I have a question about cz/cpz reference.

We collected eeg in two separate samples. in one sample, cpz was the
reference (and we re-referenced to average after). in the other sample, cpz
wasn't working, so cz was switched to the reference. bc cz was originally
set as a recording electrode and because it does appear in eeglab
montage, I set cz as reference in eeglab and then re-referenced to average,
similar to eeglab wiki recommendations.

is this the correct approach? i saw a thread from 2016 that said to remove
cz, re-reference to average, and then interpolate cz, but wasn't sure if
this is still best approach.

after low pass filter, i used cleanline and clean_rawdata. before running
ica, i wanted to compare the two samples. oddly, the samples have the
opposite association between gamma power and test performance (r = -.3
vs. + .3). Does this make any sense to anyone?

Thanks for your help!


Brian Kavanaugh, PsyD.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist, E. P. Bradley Hospital/Rhode Island Hospital
Assistant Professor (Research), Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown

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