[Eeglablist] Recommended default toolboxes for neuroimaging in Matlab

Carlos Mugruza cmugruza at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 1 10:37:19 PDT 2020

Dear EEGLAB list,
I am really sorry to ask this, but my PC to work remotely has been turned off during this COVID time. I am about to get Matlab in my laptop (onlycorei5 and 6GB of RAM). I know, many of you work quite well in different neuroimaging platforms, can you tell me which Matlab toolboxes should I install to work properly with SPM, EEGLAB, ERPLAB, CONN, BIOSIG? I use to work with SPM and EEGLAB mostly.

At university, we have Matlab 2018a and 2019b, and to not get slow Matlab with several toolboxes as the current versions with a massive Matlab installation, please advice me what else would you recommend, I was thinking to install:- Image Processing Toolbox- Parallel Computing Toolbox- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox - Signal Processing Toolbox- Computer Vision System Toolbox
Or would you recommend to install a complete old version such as Matlab 2009, I remember it worked well.
Wishing you to be healthy as this time____________________________________________Carlos A. Mugruza Vassallo. 

Researcher on Neuroscience, Mechanical Ventilation, Artificial Intelligence,  and Imaging.

Concytec researcher-REGINA-Level Carlos Monge: http://dina.concytec.gob.pe/appDirectorioCTI/VerDatosInvestigador.do?id_investigador=15135  
Personal Web:http://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosmugruza

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