[Eeglablist] LIMO Errors Importing Data

PERNET Cyril cyril.pernet at ed.ac.uk
Thu Apr 16 02:57:48 PDT 2020

Hi Pia,

We'll be releasing a new version soon(ish) that fixes such issue - right now ERSP haven't properly tested. This should however work using STUDY - ie create a study, export ersp and call LIMO form there. Let me know how it goes.


Dr Cyril Pernet,
Senior Academic Fellow
Neuroimaging Sciences

Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
Chancellor's Building, Room GU426D
The University of Edinburgh
49 Little France Crescent
Edinburgh BioQuarter EH16 4SB

cyril.pernet at ed.ac.uk
tel:  +44 (0)131 465 9530

-----Original Message-----
From: Pia Ludwig <PiaLudwig at gmx.at>
Sent: 15 April 2020 10:28
To: eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Subject: [Eeglablist] LIMO Errors Importing Data

Dear all,
I’ve been trying to use the LIMO toolbox for my data, but I can’t get it to work, not even with the tutorial data provided. I am not sure if these are bugs or if it is a compatibility problem. I tried different EEGLAB versions and settings, and it turns out, that the single trial data for the time-frequency analysis cannot be loaded, as it seems to be formatted inappropriately (see below). I created them with the LimoTools option and don't know how to proceed. It would be great if you could provide me your thoughts on how to solve this, as I really want to use this toolbox with my own data! Thanks so much!
Best Pia

See here below a summary of the errors I received so far. I am running LIMO in Matlab R2017b using the GUI. I also tried it on Matlab 2019a, but had the same problem at the end.
If I use eeglab2019_1, I already get the following error when I try to create single trial data:
      Error using load: Unable to read file '…\limo_dataset_S1.set_single_trials.daterp'. No such file or directory.
      Error in limo_create_single_trials (line 123)         data = load('-mat',[name '.daterp']);
This might be a problem of the naming, as the preprocessing runs and files like ‘S1.daterp' etc. are actually created.

If I use eeglab eeglab13_6_5b or 14_1_1b creating single trial data works. When I try to run the single subject GLM, I get it to work for the ERPs but not for          the Frequency or Time Frequency data. I get the following error:
      Time-Frequency implementation - loading tf data... Reference to non-existent field 'Type'.
      Error in limo_eeg (line 299)            if strcmp(LIMO.Type,'Components')

This might be because for some reason the field “Type” does not exist. When I add in limo_eeg.m in Line 299 to test if field exists, I get another error
      Error using load Number of columns on line 2 of ASCII file …\limo_dataset_S1.set_single_trials.dattimef must be the same as previous lines.
      Error in limo_eeg (line 325)                    Y = load(EEGLIMO.etc.datafiles.datersp);

When I then go back and save single trial data as .mat file, redo the import data action, I get this error:
      Time-Frequency implementation - loading tf data...
      Error using getfield (line 56) Inputs must be either cell arrays or character vectors.
      Error in limo_eeg (line 327)                       Y = getfield(Y,cell2mat(fieldnames(Y)));

When I check the .mat file, I see that it is completely empty, hence the error.

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