[Eeglablist] How much data is necessary for ICA?

Son, D.M.E. van d.m.e.van.son at fsw.leidenuniv.nl
Sun Apr 26 08:01:06 PDT 2020

Dear EEGLab list members,

I have a question related to ocular and artifact rejection with ICA to obtain ERPs. I read ICA might not be ideal if there are not enough data points (e.g. if you only have a short EEG recording per subject). There seem to be ways to cope with this, such as reducing the number of channels, having a higher sample rate or using PCA.

We will have 20 minutes of data per subject, 128 channels and recorded the data with 1024 p/s. Does anyone know whether this will be enough to confidently apply the ICA? Is reducing the number of channels or an extra PCA before ICA recommended?

Many thanks in advance


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