[Eeglablist] Error while creating average ERP data

elnaz ensafi elnazensafi89 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 17:47:56 PDT 2020

hello all,
 I am analyzing the ERP data by ERPLAB but when I want to creation the
average ERP, I got the following error. could you please help me in this

best regards

Error using uimenu
Value must be a handle.

Error in updatemenuerp (line 95)
            ERPSETMENU(indexerp) = uimenu( erpmenu, 'tag', 'linerp');

Error in pop_loaderp (line 278)
                updatemenuerp(ALLERP); % add a new erpset to the erpset menu

Error in pop_savemyerp (line 275)
                        pop_loaderp('filename', 'workspace',
'UpdateMainGui', 'on', 'History', 'off');

Error in pop_averager (line 977)
    [ERP, issave, erpcom_save] = pop_savemyerp(ERP,'gui','erplab',
'History', 'implicit');

Error in pop_averager (line 244)
        [ERP, erpcom]  = pop_averager(ALLEEG, 'DSindex', setindex,
'Criterion', artcritestr,...

Error while evaluating Menu Callback.

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