[Eeglablist] Double precision

Stephen Friedberg friedberg.stephen at gmail.com
Sat May 9 17:54:47 PDT 2020

Do people here have experience using ANI’s swloretta application for training purposes? Hoping to hear if that has been generally helpful / positive. I’m curious what the experience has been for those using BrainMaster’s sloretta application as well.

Warm regards,

> On May 4, 2020, at 1:14 AM, Lina Ismail <linaelsherif at knights.ucf.edu> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Following makotos Pipeline, the first step is to ensure double precision for ICA purpose. I have downloaded the latest version V2019.1  in which there is no "File' -> 'Memory and other options' -> 'If set, use single precision under...' uncheck it." as the old version does.
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