[Eeglablist] Looking for Motor Imagery Datasets

Mastaneh Torkamani mastaneht.83 at gmail.com
Thu May 14 05:37:21 PDT 2020

*[Apologies if this message is not directly related to the EEGLAB
toolbox.] *

Dear all,

My colleagues and I are looking for datasets of motor imagery recordings
that have sessions lasting for at least 30 minutes and maintained the
temporal sequence of stimuli, meaning the left/right hand or feet trials
are not separated. If you know of any such dataset besides the BCI
Competition ones or have recorded one yourself, please kindly let us know.
We will of course cite any publication and repository that is needed.

P.S. In case anyone is interested, our group has a dataset of eyes-open and
closed resting states with 64 EEG and 3 EOG channels. You can access this
repository and more information about it at
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/mastaneht/SPIS-Resting-State-Dataset__;!!Mih3wA!WLrap1TFobPy6SVdkFnszdHdpEKH4EQ39O-diMTqiHROYRwyQde94Ca5MJPxBzwTFXHvXg$ .

Thank you in advance for any hints,

Mastaneh Torkamani

*Signal Processing and Information Systems Laboratory*
*Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences*
*Sabanci University, **Istanbul, Turkey*
*mastaneh at sabanciuniv.edu <mastaneh at sabanciuniv.edu> *

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