[Eeglablist] [CFP] Special Issue "Brain-Computer Interfaces for Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction"

Athanasios Vourvopoulos a.vourvopoulos at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 12:02:13 PDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,

This Special Issue aims to explore multimodal human–computer interaction
(HCI) with the use of brain–computer interfaces (BCIs).

BCIs can be described as communication systems able to establish an
alternative pathway between the user’s brain activity and a computer,
providing an additional non-muscular channel for communication and control
to the external world. This can be achieved either explicitly by allowing
users to issue direct commands into devices without physical involvement of
any kind (e.g., speller typing, wheelchair control), or implicitly by
monitoring a user’s state (e.g., workload level, attention state) to
proactively adapt a user-interface or a virtual environment.

Undoubtedly, BCIs have not only been proven to be important tools in the
medical domain as either assistive or restorative interfaces but also have
introduced a unique form for the human–computer interaction paradigm.

In the last few years, BCIs have progressed as an emerging research area in
the fields of HCI and interactive systems, primarily due to the
introduction of low-cost EEG systems that render BCI technology accessible
for non-medical research. Consequently, BCIs provide a wide new range of
possibilities in the way users interact with a computer system (e.g.,
neuroadaptive interfaces). However, major challenges must still be tackled
for BCI systems to mature into an established communication medium for
effective human–computer interaction.

The goal of this Special Issue is to create an understanding of the current
capabilities of BCIs in multimodal human–computer interaction, highlight
current and future applications, and identify and tackle the most relevant
technical challenges.

We encourage authors to submit original research articles, case studies,
reviews, theoretical and critical perspectives, and viewpoint articles
including but not limited to:

   - Improving the usability or functionality of BCIs;
   - Realistic, immersive, and/or multisensory scenarios that make use of a
   - Methodological and technical advancements related to multimodal
   interaction and BCI;
   - Increasing the communication bandwidth with hybrid BCIs (two or more
   modalities) or shared-control BCIs (combination of two or more BCI
   - Health applications related to assistive BCIs for communication and
   control of restorative BCIs for rehabilitation;
   - Non-health applications in interaction, neuroadaptive interfaces,
   entertainment, education, training, or other areas that result from the use
   of BCIs.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: *15 February 2021*.
Link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mti/special_issues/BCIs__;!!Mih3wA!T67xtljsxnMwIPvQp8ouLmLTEHfNsUH9-1VlETC4c9bGr-wgbPvRu04p_qtb7sG8KjHr5g$ 

Best Regards,

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