[Eeglablist] [eeglablist] topoplot of condition difference STUDY in special range of oddball task

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 09:27:06 PDT 2020

Hello Elnaz,

Check out the eeglab scripting wiki and also makoto's suggestions page,
for examples on how to script more. Once you have a vector, you can plot it
with the topoplot function.

A loop to do what you want would look like the following.
If you haven't had a chance to,
use  eegh (eeg history) command to get the specific
format for the commands, and to know which function's documentation to

*****Here's a general example of what your loop should look like

for iloop = 1:length(LISTofyourFILENAMES)

LOAD one file

Make a single vector that has one column and as
many rows as there are channels.

compute and save the vector for one topomap

Clear all/any datasets from eeglab

end %of iloop

If you want, you can save the vectors into a
larger matlab variable that includes a column for each condition and each
participant. You would have to keep track of the correct ID and condition
for each file you load, and which ID and condition go with each vector you

If you haven't had a chance to, review the eeglab wiki,
review past eeglablist suggestions (search via google),
and review the documentation on the functions you want to use
(e.g., topoplot).

On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 7:05 PM elnaz ensafi <elnazensafi89 at gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> I'm working on creating some topoplots of condition differences. I
> know I should use the topoplot() function which only needs a list of
> amplitudes (one per channel) and a list of channel locations. However,
> I'm not sure how to create a data vector of amplitude for each channel
> and how to use 'for' loop correctly to open and process each
> participant file in each channel. by searching, I found that my data
> vector should be a 99*1 vector (because I have 99 participants).
> could you please help me in this regard?
> following ths the code that I used to extract the peaks at special
> range for 'Pz' electrodes.
> MEAN_each= erpdata{1,1}- erpdata{2,1}; %Difference for Oddball-Control
> for each subject
> MEAN_Differece_all= mean (MEAN_each,2); % mean of difference for all
> subjects
> plot(erptime, MEAN_Differece_all, 'k-') % plot the grand average
> difference waveform for all subjects
> N200= mean(MEAN_each(44 : 58,:)); % average +/- 25 ms for each sunject at
> N200
> P300= mean(MEAN_each(93 : 106,:)); % average +/- 25 ms for each sunject at
> P300
> Best,
> Elnaz
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