[Eeglablist] Can you add reference lines to eegplot?

Curtis Bingham cnbingham at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 11:49:55 PDT 2020

Is it possible to add horizontal and vertical reference lines to eegplot for ease of visual analysis of QEEG traces?


Here is an example: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://imgur.com/a/byt4A7F__;!!Mih3wA!XmmhLFBCXxKo_BxvLfpUqtQjZTZY-wHE52IyFhKTnzsYkYsxbFzUX73VrJdqrh3xwPyO7A$ 


The vertical are at a minimum every one second, and the horizontal represents the zero for each EEG trace. We need to be able to count waves per second within the QEEG, and the lighter horizontal lines help to spot when a wave lifts off the normal line which may indicate a loose connection with the scalp or other issue.


Is that possible somehow? 








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