[Eeglablist] 2 Postdoc positions on model-based neuroimaging of human decision making and learning
Marios Philiastides
marios.philiastides at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 06:34:03 PST 2021
Dear colleagues (apologies for cross-posting),
Up to two postdoctoral positions are available in my group at the Institute
of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of Glasgow, to work on an
ERC-funded programme grant. Each position is for up to 5-years with a start
date in June 2021 or soon thereafter.
The work aims to develop a unified framework for integrating perceptual and
reward-based learning and decision-making and understanding the extent to
which these processes share common computational and neurobiological
underpinnings. The work will also take a critical look at the role of
important decision modulators during these processes, such as confidence,
surprise, attention, etc.
Methodologically, the project will focus on multimodal brain imaging (e.g.
behaviour, simultaneous EEG-fMRI in 3T and 7T, eye-tracking etc) and will
further require the development and/or application of computational models
to predict complex patterns in the multimodal datasets that will be
acquired. The post-holder(s) will contribute to the design and programming
of experiments, the acquisition of neural and behavioural data and
the implementation of advanced multivariate data analytics for data fusion
and neural characterisation.
Applicants must have (or nearing completion of) a PhD degree in a relevant
area with an excellent record of research achievements and expertise at the
intersection of two or more of the lab’s main research priorities and
methodological approaches. The lab is committed to diversity and we welcome
applications from qualified candidates of all backgrounds, including
minority and under-represented groups.
For more details on our research interests and for samples of relevant
publications please visit:
The group is embedded within the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging (CCNi)
at the University of Glasgow and affiliated with the Imaging Centre of
Excellence (ICE) at Queens Elisabeth University Hospital, which houses the
only ultra-high field 7T MRI scanner in Scotland.
Postdoctoral fellows will be part of a vibrant community of post-graduate
students, other post-docs and faculty members, in a highly supportive and
diverse research environment with excellent resources and career
development opportunities.
More details on these positions and on how to apply can be found here:
Best regards,
Marios G. Philiastides, Ph.D.
Professor of Decision Neuroscience
Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology
Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, G12 8QB
Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://decision.ccni.gla.ac.uk/__;!!Mih3wA!SgeORqCx0_B6WT04MIcEyZg8sfbo4yUcKUClG1_4YclyDMXOqIqnHJl2wjCuBuaL1QBCKA$
Email: marios.philiastides at glasgow.ac.uk
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