[Eeglablist] Seeking part-time cognitive neuroscience lab technician with computer science experience

George Buzzell gbuzzell at fiu.edu
Sat Feb 20 05:01:49 PST 2021

Dear colleagues,

Our lab is currently seeking to fill two part-time positions, including a lab manager and a lab technician. Both positions can currently operate fully remotely. Please see below for further details on the lab technician position and forward as appropriate.


Seeking part-time cognitive neuroscience lab technician with computer science experience

The Neural Dynamics of Control Laboratory (NDC Lab; https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.NDCLab.com__;!!Mih3wA!RC5P-9D9Ew5T02lL3BxW0yZXnQ-2qFAmbv4xS-S2l42dxNOZNfmhmIvjGfSJVh3qomdTwA$ ) seeks a part-time lab technician with computer science experience. The lab currently conducts all operations remotely (due to COVID-19), which allows for this position to be fully remote, at least for the initial 1-year contract (part-time at 20 hrs./week, $16/hour).

The research assistant will work primarily with Dr. George Buzzell and other members of the NDC Laboratory. This individual will be involved in all aspects of technical support and training within the lab, including use of the following software/hardware/technologies: Python, Linux and Bash, Git and GitHub, Docker and Singularity, high-performance computing and other server resources, technical documentation, website construction and maintenance, R, HTML, Markdown, Scrum/Kanban. The lab conducts cognitive
neuroscience research, primarily using electroencephalography (EEG) data, but fMRI data is used as well.

Desired Qualifications

Individuals need not have experience in all listed technologies, but preference will be given to candidates with a wider range of expertise, particularly those with experience using: Python, Linux and Bash, Git and GitHub, Docker and Singularity, high-performance computing and other server resources. Moreover, the lab is committed to open source and open science; individuals with prior experience in these domains are highly encouraged to apply.

Minimum Qualifications

High school diploma with four years of experience, or two years of post-secondary education with one year of experience.


Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the ideal candidate can start in early April, although a later start date will be considered. The NDC Laboratory is committed to building an inclusive and diverse team of researchers that reflects the world in which we live. Therefore, individuals from all backgrounds and identities are highly encouraged to apply.

Initial applications can be emailed directly to Dr. Buzzell (gbuzzell at fiu.edu), However, university regulations require that all applications be submitted through the Florida International University careers site. Applications not submitted through the FIU website may not be considered.

To submit a formal application through the FIU Careers site, (Job ID 522857):

1. Select the link to access our careers site: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hr.fiu.edu/careers/__;!!Mih3wA!RC5P-9D9Ew5T02lL3BxW0yZXnQ-2qFAmbv4xS-S2l42dxNOZNfmhmIvjGfSJVh2F14tWkQ$ 
2. Select "Prospective Employees"
3. Search for job ID "522857"

George A. Buzzell
Assistant Professor
Florida International University
Lab website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.NDCLab.com__;!!Mih3wA!RC5P-9D9Ew5T02lL3BxW0yZXnQ-2qFAmbv4xS-S2l42dxNOZNfmhmIvjGfSJVh3qomdTwA$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.NDCLab.com__;!!Mih3wA!RC5P-9D9Ew5T02lL3BxW0yZXnQ-2qFAmbv4xS-S2l42dxNOZNfmhmIvjGfSJVh3qomdTwA$ >

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