[Eeglablist] Importing Brain Vision Recorder data files automatically

時本真吾 tokimoto at mejiro.ac.jp
Sat Mar 20 21:49:59 PDT 2021

Dear EEGLAB experts,

I would like to process my EEG data files recorded by Brain Vision Recorder with batch codes. I updated bva-io plugin to the latest 1.7, and then the script below that worked well before does not work.

allfiles = dir('*.vhdr');
for n=1:length(allfiles)
    % Step2: Import data.
    EEG = pop_loadbv('.', loadName);
    EEG.setname = dataName;

I appreciate any comments and suggestions. Thank you in advance.


Shingo Tokimoto, Ph.D.
in Linguistics and Psychology
Department of Foreign Languages
Mejiro University
4-31-1, Naka-Ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo,
161-8539, Japan
tokimoto at mejiro.ac.jp

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