[Eeglablist] Generate jpg, png, gif formats through topoplot function

Victor Gimenez victor.gimenez at ufabc.edu.br
Sun Apr 10 23:30:39 PDT 2022

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening dear EEGLab community,

I am trying to return the data obtained from the execution of topoplot 
function directly to write a file in any of these image formats: .jpg, 
.gif, or .png (without the need to file > save_as blablabla) instead to 
only plot the data at the screen because I am looking for to save more 
image contents to generate a dataset of samples.

I already did: tp = topoplot(<EEG input data to be 
read>,EEG.chanlocs,'style','map'); but it returned me only a 1x1 surface 
type data that I can't able to open directly without EEGLab or execute 
functions as imread and ind2rgb to convert the image data into an rgb 

Is there any way to save directly the topological map data in any type 
only through code??

Thanks in advance,


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