[Eeglablist] Topography with 1 electrode

Cedric Darrou cedric.darrou at loria.fr
Wed Jun 1 08:22:46 PDT 2022

Hi everyone, 

When creating a topography from a script using a study, I have a topography with one electrode, the first one in my list. Here is the code I use: 

[STUDY] = pop_erspparams(STUDY, 'topotime', [start end], 'topofreq', [6 36], 'subbaseline', 'off', 'ersplim', [-1.5 1.5], 'averagemode', 'ave', 'averagechan', 'on'); 
[STUDY] = std_erspplot(STUDY, ALLEEG, 'channels', {'FC3' 'C5' 'FCz' 'C1' 'FC1' 'FC5' 'CP3' 'C3' 'CP1' 'CP5' 'P1' 'P3' 'Pz' 'PO3' 'O1' 'Oz' 'O2' 'PO4' 'P4' 'CPz' 'CP6' 'CP2' 'C4' 'P2' 'FC6' 'FC2' 'CP4' 'C2' 'POz' 'C6' 'FC4' 'Cz' 'FT7' 'F7' 'F5' 'AF7' 'F3' 'F1' 'AF3' 'FP1' 'FPz' 'AFz' 'F2' 'Fz' 'F4' 'FP2' 'AF8' 'AF4' 'F6' 'T8' 'FT8' 'F8' 'TP8' 'P8' 'P10' 'P6' 'P9' 'P7' 'TP7' 'T7' 'Iz' 'PO7' 'P5' 'PO8'}, 'plotsubjects', 'on'); 

The result is a topography with only the FC3 electrode (the first one on the list). I tried with comma between each electrode, same result. 



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