[Eeglablist] SIFT RPDC Connectivity

Sampath Thoutanahalli Kapanaiah sampath.kapanaiah at uni-ulm.de
Thu Jun 16 10:54:51 PDT 2022

Hi Everyone,

My name is Sampath, PhD student from the Institute of applied physiology, Ulm University, Germany. I am using sift and adapted script provided in the script folder to estimate RPDC. My data is recorded from depth single multi-site electrodes (PFC, A1..etc.,.) in mice recorded during 40hz ASSR 100-stimulation trials and I have 3 questions regarding the results.

1)Is ersp shown in diagonal RPDC plot similar to ersp estimated using 'newtimef ' from eeglab toolbox??  if yes my results from sift RPDC ersp and 'newtimef ' ersp are not matching.

2) What is the influence of model order in estimating connectivity??-  this sounds more general question but for my data, I get really different results (image link can be found below) when I use model order 21 (elbow point) than model order 5 (min point). The consistency,  whiteness, and stability were fine in all cases.

3) If the model order makes a drastic change (one can see in images from the link) which one should I use???

In all the above cases parameters are kept constant,

WindowLengthSec     = 0.3;
WindowStepSizeSec  = 0.01;
algorithm                   = 'Vieira-Morf';
windowingType         = 'hamming';
detrend_method       = 'linear';
normalise_method   = {'time' 'ensemble'};

link to result figures - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cloud.physio.uni-ulm.de/s/yc7dq5yXW8wQ2Kb__;!!Mih3wA!GfspMDkTjVGCvdSCRo9X8sluGVU3mcFGoLqQAda3Ou5zr2BzJWvqWPX6-TlVtU1cFJpf-ge_MKGsb4LTWZPtNMKEnXvlYzUUc6zt$ 

Thanks for your time in advance. I will be happy to provide more information or a dataset if necessary.

Best Wishes,

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