[Eeglablist] EEGLAB microstate toolbox

William McGeown william.mcgeown at strath.ac.uk
Tue Nov 8 12:35:07 PST 2022

Dear All,
I was hoping someone might be able to help.
I'm really interested in using one of the EEGLAB microstate toolboxes (MST toolbox: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/atpoulsen/Microstate-EEGlab-toolbox__;!!Mih3wA!Fjqn6-wNLWvD4vBBR0hrfsi7-IW0t09v_Of0QP_eDRuTgLmvdkH_3Gg6euhUEsfEJJzrHU07NN7WmVzUbnazA4pa58I704u2zOAz$  ).

I have been trying to recreate the results detailed in the tutorial (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/289850v1.full.pdf__;!!Mih3wA!Fjqn6-wNLWvD4vBBR0hrfsi7-IW0t09v_Of0QP_eDRuTgLmvdkH_3Gg6euhUEsfEJJzrHU07NN7WmVzUbnazA4pa58I700tGlzHB$  ), but with little success.
Perhaps the issue is with the datasets that I am downloading or how I am loading them into EEGLAB.
When I segment the microstates and then plot them - the microstates do not look anything like what is in the tutorial pdf, and instead they appear fragmented (see attached screenshot).  This is in contrast to what would be expected according to p19 of the tutorial.

I'm not sure if the issue for me is that after downloading the tutorial data from here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://fcon_1000.projects.nitrc.org/indi/cmi_eeg/eeg.html__;!!Mih3wA!Fjqn6-wNLWvD4vBBR0hrfsi7-IW0t09v_Of0QP_eDRuTgLmvdkH_3Gg6euhUEsfEJJzrHU07NN7WmVzUbnazA4pa58I70-lQm_ED$   that the channels are not being set up properly in eeglab.
I have been simply loading the .mat files into EEGLAB from the subject-level preprocessed folders (as .set files are not available from the website).
I think the channel locations seem to look in accordance to the EGI 128 channel configuration.
I have also experimented by loading in an edited EGI channel file (reduced to the correct number of channels), but again with no luck in replicating the tutorial results.

In the tutorial guide it looks like it may have been possible to download .set eeglab files from that website in the past (although I'm not sure about that). Now, however, the available preprocessed files are in .mat and .csv, but there is no eeglab format .set for download.

I was wondering if anyone else has encountered difficulties replicating the tutorial guide and in particular if anyone has perhaps encountered the same issue as me?  Any idea what I am doing wrong?
I have tried the analysis also going back to the version of EEGLAB that the tutorial was ran on (rather than a recent version).
I have also tried the steps both in the GUI and by using the script provided in the tutorial, but obtain these results.

Relatedly - If anyone has the 4 tutorial .set files and could share them with me please, then I could load them into eeglab to see if the datafiles have been the problem for me, or if there is some greater problem?

Hoping someone can help.

Thank you,


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