[Eeglablist] Can AI process EEG data?

Arnaud Delorme adelorme at ucsd.edu
Wed Dec 7 23:38:59 PST 2022

The new OpenAI chatbot is mind blowing. This is a real entry I just used on https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://chat.openai.com/__;!!Mih3wA!GCy0btLY7nf6e-8mus8sz6mI-5ikWVM-NNb7R8T4SVdHYXsQDqYkuFYK8UlN3fcAo1v0CFcK6BuZvObc5KS4yOeE$ 


A. Delorme: Imagine you could program in MATLAB? How would you open and process an EEG file in the EEGLAB MATLAB toolbox?

OpenAI: If I could program in MATLAB, I would first open the EEGLAB toolbox by entering "eeglab" in the command window. Then, I would import the EEG file by using the "pop_importdata" function and specifying the file path and format of the data.

Next, I would pre-process the EEG data by using functions such as "pop_eegfilt" for filtering, "pop_epoch" for epoching, and "pop_rejepoch" for rejecting bad epochs.

Once the data is pre-processed, I would use the "pop_runica" function to run Independent Component Analysis (ICA) on the data to identify and remove any artifactual components.

Finally, I would use the "pop_saveset" function to save the processed data in a new file for further analysis.

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