[Eeglablist] Power analysis - Continuous EEG

Franz Riederer franz.riederer at uzh.ch
Tue Jan 17 03:50:22 PST 2023

Dear EEGLAB Community,

Please let me reach out to you with the following question:

I am interested in focal changes in EEG power during a certain phase of a disease, let`s call it “ictal” vs. another phase “interictal”.

I have several “ictal” and “interictal” EEGs in one single subject. There is no task, eyes were closed throughout the recording (resting state).

In the “study” creation interface I indicated 1 subject and 10 sessions referring to 10 different EEGs at different time points.

Conditions were defined as “1=interictal” and “2 =interictal”.

What would be the most appropriate way to compare these phases of disease in EEGLAB?

Is EEGLAB statistics also appropriate for continuous data?

Many thanks in advance,



Prof. Dr. Franz Riederer

Titularprofessor an der Universität Zürich

E-Mail:  franz.riederer at uzh.ch<mailto:franz.riederer at uzh.ch>

Web:  https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9722-9754__;!!Mih3wA!GI-RygjFM9-VO66F3ooR_Ufy60uj4_zUGMKk9lUgcf6PJUBX9_KKKUrFCX9GsAAl3aXcTl40tOJqpXuASUCs0OyaQ68T2BU$ 

Senior Physician

Prof at University of Zurich, Switzerland

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