[Eeglablist] best practices for eyes-closed eog correction?

Jack Fogarty (Dr) jack.fogarty at nie.edu.sg
Sat Feb 4 18:17:36 PST 2023

Hi everyone,

I am looking for guidance on using ICA to correct eyes-closed resting eog artefact (e.g., eye-roll movement). I am finding it difficult to identify meaningful eog components from eyes-closed data using the typical eeglab procedures. Are there any specific recommendations or guidelines for this? Alternatively, would there be another method to remove eyes-closed EOG artefact that others would suggest, particularly for continuous (i.e., prior to epoching) datasets without EOG channels?

>From my experience so far, I generally find that ICA does not identify any obvious eog components from eyes-closed data given there are minimal (if any) blinks or open-eye movement, and perhaps closed 'eye rolling' movements do not carry much variance. Any help here would be appreciated.

Jack Fogarty, PhD.

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