[Eeglablist] AMICA and ICLabel

Edward Lannon elannon at stanford.edu
Tue Mar 7 13:43:17 PST 2023

Dear EEGLab users,

Is it possible to use IClabel on ICs from AMICA. I use the following script to develop ICs with AMICA, but I am unable to use IClabel on the results.

            % define parameters
              numprocs = 1; % # of nodes
              max_threads = 10; % # of threads
              num_models = 1; % # of models of mixture ICA
              max_iter = 2000; % max number of learning steps

            %Create Out folder for AMICA Files
            finalFolderName=[EEG.setname(1:end-16) '_AMICA']
            outdir = [ folderOutAmica filesep finalFolderName filesep ]

             % Run amica
              EEG = pop_runamica(EEG, 'num_models',num_models, 'outdir',outdir, ...
            'numprocs', numprocs, 'max_threads', max_threads, 'max_iter',max_iter);

            %Load AMICA folder saved
            EEG.etc.amica  = loadmodout15([outdir]);

          %Runs ICALabel
            EEG = iclabel(EEG, 'default');

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