[Eeglablist] FW: script to batch process multiple Neuroscan CNT files
Jeffrey Eriksen
jeriksen at downeurobiology.org
Tue Mar 14 09:48:34 PDT 2023
Hi Cedric,
Thank you for writing out a whole script for me. If it is not too much to ask, can you modify it to scan all subfolders? I was perhaps not totally clear in my initial request. The CNT files are nested in several layers by subject and run.
More importantly, I encountered an error in the call to loadcnt. I do not presume that you know the inner workings of loadcnt, but could you take a look at the error message and see if it is something you could figure out? In the meantime I will look to see who wrote it and consider writing them directly.
My version (for a particular subject and run):
% scan for and convert CNT files to SET files
dataFolder = 'D:\Sorg memory project\BU data\cue_reactivity_1\s03\run1';
filenames = dir('*.cnt');
filenames = {filenames.name};
eeglab; close;
for iFile = 1:length(filenames)
filename = filenames{iFile};
EEG = pop_loadcnt(fullfile(dataFolder, filename, 'dataformat', 'auto', 'memmapfile', ''));
EEG = pop_saveset(EEG,'filename',[filename(1:end-5) '.set'],'filepath',dataFolder);
output to command line:
>> scan_convert
eeglab: options file is C:\Users\Jeff\eeg_options.m
Retrieving plugin versions from server...
Retrieving download statistics...
EEGLAB: adding "Biosig" v3.8.1 to the path
EEGLAB: adding "Cleanline" v2.00 (see >> help eegplugin_cleanline)
EEGLAB: adding "Fileio" v20230309 to the path
EEGLAB: adding "ICLabel" v1.4 (see >> help eegplugin_iclabel)
EEGLAB: adding "MFFMatlabIO" v4.1 (see >> help eegplugin_mffmatlabio)
EEGLAB: adding "MFFimport" v2.3 (see >> help eegplugin_mffimport)
EEGLAB: adding "clean_rawdata" v2.8 (see >> help eegplugin_clean_rawdata)
EEGLAB: adding "dipfit" v5.0 (see >> help eegplugin_dipfit)
EEGLAB: adding "egilegacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_egilegacy)
EEGLAB: adding "firfilt" v2.7.1 (see >> help eegplugin_firfilt)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroscanio" v1.6 (see >> help eegplugin_neuroscanio)
You are using the latest version of EEGLAB.
9 for iFile = 1:length(filenames)
Error using fread
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Error in loadcnt (line 110)
h.rev = fread(fid,12,'char');
Error in pop_loadcnt (line 132)
r = loadcnt( fullFileName);
Error in scan_convert (line 11)
EEG = pop_loadcnt(fullfile(dataFolder, filename, 'dataformat', 'auto', 'memmapfile', ''));
-----Original Message-----
From: Cedric Cannard <ccannard at protonmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2023 12:13 PM
To: Jeffrey Eriksen <jeriksen at downeurobiology.org>
Cc: eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Subject: Re: [Eeglablist] FW: script to batch process multiple Neuroscan CNT files
Hi Jeff,
After installing the Neuroscanio plugin, this should do:
dataFolder = 'pathToYourDataFolder';
cd(dataFolder )
filenames = dir('*.cnt');
filenames = {filenames.name};
eeglab; close;
for iFile = 1:length(filenames)
filename = filenames{iFile};
EEG = pop_loadcnt(fullfile(dataFolder, filename, 'dataformat', 'auto', 'memmapfile', '');
EEG = pop_saveset(EEG,'filename',[filename(1:end-5) '.set'],'filepath',dataFolder);
------- Original Message -------
On Friday, March 10th, 2023 at 10:04 AM, Jeffrey Eriksen <jeriksen at downeurobiology.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have 327 Neuroscan CNT files. Does anyone know of a script that I could use or modify to do the following:
> 1. Scan a set of folders and find all the CNT files 2. Import them
> using the neuroscanio plugin 3. Save them as SET format
> Thanks,
> -Jeff Eriksen
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